
An essential part of earning and maintaining the trust of our customers is being transparent about the requests we receive from law enforcement and other governmental entities. To this end, Cloudflare publishes semi-annual updates to our Transparency Report on the requests we have received to disclose information about our customers.

Some things we have never done
  1. Cloudflare has never turned over our encryption or authentication keys or our customers' encryption or authentication keys to anyone.

  2. Cloudflare has never installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network.

  3. Cloudflare has never provided any law enforcement organization a feed of our customers' content transiting our network.

  4. Cloudflare has never modified customer content at the request of law enforcement or another third party.

  5. Cloudflare has never modified the intended destination of DNS responses at the request of law enforcement or another third party.

  6. Cloudflare has never weakened, compromised, or subverted any of its encryption at the request of law enforcement or another third party.

If Cloudflare were asked to do any of these, we would exhaust all legal remedies, in order to protect our customers from what we believe are illegal or unconstitutional requests.

Accurate as of February 06, 2025


The data presented below covers the period from January 1, 2021, to June 30, 2021. A request received in June 2021, but not processed until July 2021 will show as both "Requests received" and "Requests in process." Also, requests for which we are waiting for a response from law enforcement before moving forward may also be reflected in "Requests in process." The total number of domains affected and the total number of accounts affected refer only to requests which have been answered.

You can subscribe to updates on our Transparency Report using an RSS Feed.